So, as of CD1, we're supposed to be on hold for a cycle or two. Or three, depending on WTF my body decides to do. I got a new job, that I start July 8th, and FMLA and all that crap says I should wait until I've been there for a year to go on maternity leave. We'll probably just wing it, and because we shouldn't get pregnant, luck has it that we will.
We're also in the process of finishing up getting the new house together to move. Looks like we'll be moving the last weekend in July. It's going to be a busy month for us, but we'll manage. We're almost done painting the house, and in a week or two, will be building a deck onto the back. We also need to redo the bathroom floor and put a new toilet in; that project will be getting started on Thursday.
C seems to be handling things so well, so far. I'm curious how she'll do once I switch to the new job, and how she'll handle the move. The house stuff shouldn't go too badly. She's used to being at the new house, and hanging out there. The job change might be a bit much for her, though. It's a second shift position, so she'll have Daddy at night and Mommy during the day. It'll be like being a newborn all over again for her! Sort of.
So, as far as TTC. Like I said, we'll be "holding off" for a cycle or two. Come January, we'll switch insurance plans, then pursue testing if I'm still not pregnant. Hopefully, we won't need to go down that road. Neither of us really wants to; who does?
Oh, and because of the new job, I cancelled my doctor's appointment. For obvious reasons.