My Chart

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Well Hi There...

So, after 8 months of trying to get knocked up by my husband, I finally decided to dive into the world of blogging. I used to do it a bit in high school, and it was a nice place to vent and get frustrations out, so here's to hoping that this offers the same sort of solace that blogging as a teenager did; besides, all the cool kids are doing it. Peer pressure and some shit like that, right?

Oh, a little about me? Well, I'm Ashley. I've been married to a pretty great guy for a few months now, and we have an awesome little monster together, who I will kindly refer to as "C" for the duration of this. She'll be two in a few months. Yeah, we did things slightly ass backwards, and she was admittedly an "oops" but the best "oops" we could have made. We also have two crazy huskies, a senile old basset hound mix, three neurotic cats, and three amazingly stressful, yet stress-relieving, fish tanks.

In the spare time that my husband and I don't have, we enjoy taking our Jeep off road. We've met some great friends on our rock-crawling and mud-slinging adventures, and absolutely love doing it in our spare time. We can't wait until C is old enough to enjoy it with us. She's been in a few smaller and lighter trips; we won't take her on those until she's a bit older.

I'm 24, and my husband, Keith, is 28. We started dating in June of 2009, moved in together in June of 2010, and brought our daughter into the world in June of 2011. June is a popular and amazing month for us. Keith and I have crazy families that you'll probably read about from time to time, but I'll try to keep that to a minimum.

So, there you have it, to an extent. I'll try to update semi-regularly, but don't count on it...

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