My Chart

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Random Rambling

I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, as Keith plays Xbox 360. I'm listening to the random outbursts of people who are playing the game with him (he is playing live), and it seems like he finds his way into a different sort of "special" conversation each night. So, while he does that, I'm going to blog a bit.

We're due for a snow storm tomorrow. Maybe. Supposedly. None of the meteorologists really know what it's going to do in our area, and we're in a block that could get anywhere from 3-10+ inches. It all depends, literally, on how the wind decides to blow. I work 30 miles away from home, so am debating whether or not to try and make it into work. Do I need to go in (as in, does work need me)? No, not really. We're so caught up on work, we're pretty much running out. However, if I don't go in, I get a "point". If I do go in, it puts me one day closer to no absences for this block of time, and I get a bonus. Is my safety really worth $100? No, not really, but I'd feel like a moron if I stayed home and nothing happened. Decisions, decisions...

Now, onto the trying to get knocked up segment of this post. I'm hanging out here, on CD6, staring down at my chart and feeling depressed over the fact it will probably be another month before I ovulate. These long cycles really suck, and I hate feeling like it's going to be forever before it happens. I didn't ovulate until CD 40-something last cycle. It's a pain in the ass. Keith wants to stop "trying" this month (as in no temping, no OPKs, just having sex).  That's all fine and good, except I would be driving myself crazy, constantly peeing on HPTs only to see a BFN because I hadn't ovulated yet. So, I'm going to continue to temp and test, but we're not going to time sex. We're just going to HIO like we normally would. Should be fun, right? We'll see...

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