My Chart

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So. I'm a horrible blogger. I think I may have stated that somewhere in one of my first posts. I wish I could say that things have been busy around here, but they haven't. I actually had plenty of free time last week to write (type?), but I just didn't take it.

Why free time? My husband and daughter both caught some nasty bug that I have (thankfully) been able to avoid so far. It resulted in nasty aches and pains with a fever for them. You would have thought that my husband was dying with how bad he reacted. He was in bed from Monday night until Friday morning, except for an hour or two he spent on the couch. I stayed home Tuesday to care for him and C, but he wanted me to come home Wednesday and Thursday to take care of him, too. What a wuss.

Other than that, nothing much has been going on around here. We got a new TV. Went from a 32" to a 46" and it looks great. The quality is amazing, and you would think it was a 3D TV with the way the clarity and depth is. So... that's about all that's been happening around here lately. I may update in a week, or I may not.

Oh, yeah, still not pregnant. Haven't even ovulated yet. I may, eventually. If my body decides to do what it's supposed to.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. My DH is a big girl when he is sick too. Pfft Men.
